The group of students who prepares the play "Drops of Life" is rehearsing one hour daily.It is formed of the following pupils: CATRINTAS MARIUS, LAZAR IONUT, VASILACHE GEORGE, BULIGA ALEXANDRA, ENACHE ANDREEA, CORPACEAN VIORELA, TARANU MARIA. They are led by their teachers:Clara Sdrobis, Diana Mitrut, Lenus Larion, Tania Radu
The pupils of the 9th C grade from Letea Highschool together with their teacher, Ciprian Zamfir have planted 15 chestnuts in the courtyard on the 3rd of May, 2007.They intend to continue these types of activities untill the 5th of June 2007, The international Day of the Environment
Foarte fain blogul asta pentru liceul Letea. Un mijloc foarte bun de promovare a activitatilor si imaginii liceului. Ar trebui popularizat mai mult. As vrea sa vad mai multe postari. Pacat ca sunt numai din mai.
RăspundețiȘtergereCe ați făcut?nu gasesc nimic pe net despre Liceul Letea.Sa va fie rusine ca ați distrus un liceu grozav ..ati demolat imagini și amintiri.